Porsches sports car tech improves the new Cayenne SUV (Engadget)

Porsches sports car tech improves the new Cayenne SUV – Im driving up the Northern California coastline when a very happy, very overweight yellow dog runs into the road. Hours earlier a Porsche spokesperson had explained how well the new Porsche Surface Coated Brakes (PSCB) work, adding they would take a little time to get used to. This real-world canine …

Porsches sports car tech improves the new Cayenne SUV (Engadget)

Porsches sports car tech improves the new Cayenne SUV – Im driving up the Northern California coastline when a very happy, very overweight yellow dog runs into the road. Hours earlier a Porsche spokesperson had explained how well the new Porsche Surface Coated Brakes (PSCB) work, adding they would take a little time to get used to. This real-world canine …