AI is helping to reduce the cost of providing and maintaining broadband for heavy traffic areas
The post Huawei AI in Broadband and Swisscom Ambiton to Bring 1Gig to Villages appeared... Read more »
"Weather influences what people do day-to-day and is arguably the most important external swing factor in business performance"
The post IBM Weather Forecasting Crowd Sources Data Via Phones and Planes appeared... Read more »
"If society is to benefit from innovations which focus tech on addressing social challenges, then we need to do more to increase collaboration and investment in social tech"
"It’s been a challenging journey to automate a rail network of this size and scale in a remote location like the Pilbara"
The post Rio Tinto Deploys Worlds First Autonomous Train... Read more »
"What can be done to tempt the next generation of programmers to pursue a path that seems to have an image problem?"